Jason Santa Maria: A couple typefaces
moneal: Tyler
olivia house: Mr. Finger Plays Dead. [EXPLORED]
dpstyles™: Here's foursquare's Crunchie award (and our boy @tristanwalker looking 50% dapper, 50% confused)
boltron-: This umbrella never works right
fgfathome: I awoke last night to the sound of thunder...
Shawn Allen: stripes
mbaratz: serious mustache meeting
krobbie: Seoul - Eye candy
leonardo4history: The Gate of Seoul
phylieb: Bright lights of Seoul
krobbie: Seoul - Colorful Night Life
krobbie: Seoul - dusk view from the top
OUR WORLD/EXPOSED: Seoul-way to Heaven
Trey Ratcliff: The Seoul of a Sunset
dpstyles™: OnePerDay :: ITP "Secret Society" meeting at Lit (2003?)
animusicsf: 2 girls reaction (SFW)
Photos by Doug: Allen Hummingbird
meghatron: Buns (artificial hair)
klex k: hunger
tshane: Mmmmmmmm, beer {tshane.com}
duoli: the look
canbalci: Hide and seek
Rob Kroenert: Bay Bridge & Coit Tower
cjw333: big nate's ball
prawnpie: Chestnut