Jason Santa Maria: Hack Day at Slate ❤️
Jason Santa Maria: FINALLY. #imwithher
Jason Santa Maria: Distributing the candies
Jason Santa Maria: At the polka dot parade
Jason Santa Maria: Billy Penn
Jason Santa Maria: Campari #voxsidebar
Jason Santa Maria: Cappiello ❤️ #voxsidebar
Jason Santa Maria: Cappiello poster exhibit #voxsidebar
Jason Santa Maria: The final lathe class started ok, then I broke my bowl, then I salvaged it as a smaller bowl.
Jason Santa Maria: A non-Austin Drafthouse
Jason Santa Maria: Eggs any way
Jason Santa Maria: Second bowl in progress
Jason Santa Maria: First bowl!
Jason Santa Maria: “Like bread down the drain”, as the saying goes.
Jason Santa Maria: Nearly finished a (bad) bowl
Jason Santa Maria: Intro to turning. So much fun!
Jason Santa Maria: I haven't been to an AIGA event in a while, and though I wouldn't say I missed these cheese sticks, I also totally ate one.
Jason Santa Maria: The top is on risers to give the appearance that it’s floating. ☁️
Jason Santa Maria: Dry run fit test. All 👌
Jason Santa Maria: Spent the afternoon milling and gluing
Jason Santa Maria: Milled boards for table top
Jason Santa Maria: This is immensely satisfying
Jason Santa Maria: Last year’s hand tools class coming in handy
Jason Santa Maria: Lobster lunch
Jason Santa Maria: Jade with a view, new desk plant
Jason Santa Maria: A marathon of GBBO is yielding some real life rewards from @meganborn