Justin Terveen: Dallas, TX
carissabyers: Goodbye Dallas. Headed to Pennsylvania via a layover in Chicago.
jax989: Downtown Dallas Skyline
crazy ray: Donuts with daddy!
Chris Pirillo: Please, use a coaster. There's an app for that!
crazy ray: Dallas Mavs pop-up shop!
jenniferconley: Recording CJ Podcast
jenniferconley: .99 cent app laugh
crazy ray: Breath Betsy... Breathe.
crazy ray: Cammie Corn
artoyzflickr: Kidrobot Yo Gabba Gabba
Gaston Batistini: The largest hot-air balloon gathering in the world, Chambley, France. So far today, more then 500.000 views and 7.500 Faves!
crazy ray: Lil' Henry | One Month Old
crazy ray: Lil' Henry | Three Months Old
crazy ray: Lil' Henry | Three Months Old
crazy ray: Lil' Henry | Three Months Old
crazy ray: Lil' Henry | Three Months Old
Ryan Muir: Asher Roth // Blender Theater at Gramercy
PrissyBell: IMG_5372
PrissyBell: Preacher boy!
PrissyBell: IMG_5349
PrissyBell: IMG_5325
PrissyBell: Betsy&Raymo are good parents!
PrissyBell: IMG_5309
PrissyBell: IMG_5306
PrissyBell: IMG_5303
PrissyBell: IMG_5298
PrissyBell: IMG_5549