carissabyers: I’m a PE teacher now so I can get that croquet set I’ve always wanted. Lucy is going to be a champion some day based on her determination to beat me.
carissabyers: Lunch with Papa.
carissabyers: Happy birthday to the best sister ever! Sibling FaceTime is hilarious.
carissabyers: Every day is read to the class day! “And to think that I saw it on Mulberry Street” is one of my favorites.
carissabyers: We ended the day with Social Studies and chose to discuss how to be a responsible citizen during these times. Lucy and Milo thought raising their hand to come up with this list was fun. I won’t share all our homeschool days with you, but wanted to say, we
carissabyers: PE was super fun. We went on a walk and took turns coming up with things to do like skip, high knees, jog, run fast, lunges, slo mo run, 10 hops, walk sideways, etc.
carissabyers: For Lucy’s science lesson on temperature we measured temperature of different things including our body.
carissabyers: Emotional support hamster.
carissabyers: We hope the birds like cookie butter as much as peanut butter because these are unusual times in my pantry.
carissabyers: Making a bird feeder.
carissabyers: Skittles is very popular on the video chats. #lucyandmiloshamsters
carissabyers: Still hiking.
carissabyers: Doodles with !
carissabyers: Fort building.
carissabyers: I enjoy children because they delight equally with me in savoring all the glorious little things.
carissabyers: Making the Littles do my inside exercise routine. 30 minutes of sets of 25 with 25 second stretching in between. They got their 100 crunches in!
carissabyers: This is a monster truck.
carissabyers: Remote controlled helicopters.
carissabyers: Spring showers.
carissabyers: I got the most love ever from a hamster! She won’t leave my lap or arms and is enjoying lots of pets and making little hamster squeaks at me. I think she missed us! (She did have a babysitter while we were gone.) #lucyandmiloshamsters
carissabyers: Back seat shenanigans.