Bridgemarker Tim: Peter Tavy Yellow Quartz
marc.barrot: Thekla …
marc.barrot: In Cotham Hill
marc.barrot: Across the Avon at Sunset
marc.barrot: Millennium
marc.barrot: Nightfall over Millwall
marc.barrot: Nightlife in Bournemouth
marc.barrot: Medieval Apocalypse …
marc.barrot: Rainy Day in Paris
marc.barrot: Amphitheatre … where endings begin (till the next time) i hope that i don't fall in love with you i'm a dreamer the darker days of me and him into the night
pom'.: Rade de Brest, Finistère, France
Rhisiart Hincks: Unionist Club, Pennsans
mikeyashworth: Vos vacances dans les Iles Britanniques : tourist brochure - dossier touristique : Les Chemins de Fer Britanniques : Paris : nd [c.1935]
*Darlene*: Sharing the experience of watching these beauties migrate was all I could've asked for, with the exception of maybe having a birding lens. Yup, a birding lens would've been nice.
Rhisiart Hincks: Teach solais Rinn an Róistigh, Contae Chorcaí
Gilles Poyet Photographies !: CREATION - DESSIN "SUR LES TOITS DE PARIS... !"
Gilles Poyet Photographies !: CREATION - DESSIN "SUR LES TOITS DE PARIS... !"
Gilles Poyet Photographies !: JOYEUSES PÂQUES A TOUS !
pedrosaolabarria: _M3A6953-Web
lekidelasvegas: JMF_7869
lekidelasvegas: JMF_75171
lekidelasvegas: Looking for
lekidelasvegas: JMF_4351
lekidelasvegas: JMF_9033
lekidelasvegas: On the road