naturethroughanikon: Kingfisher stunning its fish
Aaron Springer: Vision Quest
eliot photos: Moments before C2 of the annular eclipse at Easter Island
hushabye38: Saturn_9_8_24
hushabye38: 2024-09-08-0409_4-Sun____mean_300r__22986reg-Edit
bellavia99: Jupiter_Sep-08-2024_08_39_02_UTC_ES_152_Mak-Cas_ZWO_ASI_183MC_1196x20msec
eliot photos: Daybreak view over Cook Inlet In Anchorage Alaska
George Preoteasa: Aurora outburst
mtrosenthal: North America Nebula SHO palette
bellavia99: AS_Wave-WB-02_26_11_lapl6_ap33_Drizzle30
allisonmeier: Green-Wood Cemetery
Luca Vanzella: Solstice Sunrise Across the Planet (annotated)
hushabye38: _I5A5857-Edit
hushabye38: Light_M 16_10.0s_LP_20240608-235405-Edit
-ytf-: Hangars
marieroy0808: Paruline a joues grises - Nashville Warbler
eliot photos: Saguaro in bloom in Tucson AZ
Gabriela Levit: aurora1-ashokan-reservoir
hushabye38: 1G3A2817
rhythmandcode: Aurora from Norman, OK
George Preoteasa: Annular eclipse over Mexican Hat
George Preoteasa: Prominences
George Preoteasa: Diamond ring through clouds
George Preoteasa: Prominences
George Preoteasa: Coronal loops
George Preoteasa: Enhanced picture of the corona
Voyages en Photographie: Mujer de la clase rica