jamie heiden: forever is not found here...
martikson: tears after rain . . .
martikson: house of light and time . . .
fksr: Ancestor skull, part of the Jolika Collection of New Guinea Art at the de Young Museum
Joel Grimes Photography: Rap Artist Mustafa
liquid in plastic: He almost took my head off!
Ronaldkoster.com: Audrey & Ray II .. ..
Hal Bergman Photography: Tawd b. Dorenfeld (8 of 8)
riopel2dali: The golden age
Timothy Neesam (GumshoePhotos): Chowmahalla Palace, Hyderabad
✿ Enchลn†resŞ ✿: Hey !!....Stick to your sides
stevenarens: bomber
sarah.tm: blue eyes
Daneli: The disguise
Daneli: I have made us a Ballroom of water
DIDS': He's coming
.Lal Khan.: Father and Son
brookeshaden: against the wind
Quizz...: Soft as silk, smooth as jazz
lichtmaedel: M I M I C
CristinaO: change takes time