Rafael Zenon Wagner: Merry Christmas - there is still hope for 2025
m garcia c: Sevilla - Barrio de Santa Cruz
Frank van Dongen: Cats of Granny Smith - The secret admirer
michael-otto-foto: 375 Jahre Kerzenkapelle
www.francismeslet.com: Formules All Inclusive
ulrichcziollek: ...wo früher Hochöfen standen...
s.mato: Cascada de Valdelateja
s.mato: Fuente del Francés
s.mato: Campo de lavanda en Palencia
s.mato: Atardecer en Tagle
s.mato: Faedo de Ciñera
s.mato: Lago Di Braies
Clark Harris in Colorado: Mountain Lake near Salt Lake City
ScruffsClubPhotography: In the still...
ScruffsClubPhotography: Fire in the sky.
ScruffsClubPhotography: Erm. Yes. Trees again 😇
loudstone II: Paris, Sainte Chappelle
Yasu Torigoe: Architecture around Amstel Canal, Amsterdam. 540a
captured by bond: _SMB6043-
gary.lewinson: The other Side...
doughty.landscapes: Stopped Clock
Raffaele Preti: Appena un po'
1D110: DSC_6870.jpg la Billaude
roberto.rubiliani: A Red and Blue Tuscan Sky
diwan: through the underground (360 x 180)
www.francismeslet.com: Coups de boules
loudstone II: Bamberg, Dom