Irene.Rudnyk: Photography
The Trump White House Archived: First Lady Melania Trump at a Toys for Tots Christmas Event
annportia: Shot by Matt Brandon
Sapphire Ker: Tough bad boy!
PowerPee: The Hulk
PowerPee: Armored Batman
giuseppe petenzi: At the end of the day
PowerPee: Iron Man MK47
annportia: 2018_0215_19433000
PowerPee: Iron Man Mark XLIII
siew_wei: 我之前比较喜欢看和拍风景照片多,不大了解为什么大家总是喜欢分享自己和其他人的合照。今天刷了刷FB,朋友圈还是一如往常的看见大家都分享自己生活的图片。突然发现其实背景并不那么重要,人与人的互动交流才是真实的,有人的照片可以带给大家一些回忆和故事,再美的风景没有人懂得欣赏也毫无意义的。
siew_wei: 在爱情里,你想得到些什么?
mikemikecat: Chasing sunlight
davidglen: Cadwell park, BSB friday free practice
The Trump White House Archived: President Trump's Trip to Poland
someonesim: Taiwan Day 6 : MaoKong
someonesim: Taiwan Last day : BeiTou
richardgivingart: My film Cameras
Carpinet.: Siluetas de primavera
PowerPee: Fujifilm X100F
Sven Falk: Agera R
LightNodes: Tyrhanian sea under spot lights near Riomaggiore, Rioma, Liguria, Italy with Panasonic DMC-GX7
PowerPee: Makishima Yusuke
norlygrace: grandiose
annportia: What are the odds? Thank you God <3
Alexander Shark: Dark portrait
martinturner: Newport Street Gallery (colour)