robh4754: Cattle Egret
geraintparry: Short-Eared Owl
RGL Photography: Red Fox - Vulpes vulpes | 2018 - 19
Bob Gunderson: Belted Kingfisher in the fog
Bob Gunderson: Least Bittern
ceesvg: Steenuil
Bob Gunderson: E3) Allen's Hummingbird
normanwest4tography: Wild Boar - Artiodactyla suidae
Buddyvann: Hermelijn - Stoat
kaius.artimo: Loxia curvirostra
kaius.artimo: Loxia curvirostra
normanwest4tography: Bullfinch - Pyrrhula pyrrhula
ceesvg: Kleine Vuurvlinder
Alexandre Légaré: Hiding in the Shadows
Bill McBride Photography: Olympic Marmot
janwillemsen: kaart Noordzeekanaal 1876
geraintparry: Atlantic Puffin
Bob Gunderson: Great Egret
michael.smith86: Fox Cubs, Vulpes vulpes
Bob Gunderson: Great-tailed Grackle
kaius.artimo: Sturnus vulgaris
Bob Gunderson: Violet-green Swallow
Bob Gunderson: Long-billed Curlew
normanwest4tography: Magpie - Pica pica
Bob Gunderson: Allen's Hummingbird
Bob Gunderson: Anna's Hummingbird
Dennunzio roberto: rampichino alpestre