giuseppe.geppo: Asio Otis
Jelena1: Tara Mountain
christiancp34: Aux sources du Lez, Hérault, France
Rosemarie Crisafi: Orchid Syllables
ceca67: Swiss landscape
xulio.barreiro: Picho da Escarida III
Charles Connor: Rydal tree in a mist
blthornburgh: Robbie DSC_4115
ajkelso9: Portencross pier
Portraying Life, LLC: Winter Red-belly
xulio.barreiro: Ermida da Virxe do Porto IV
randyherring: Georgia in the Autumn
Markus Branse: Stormclouds At Sunset
JH_1982: Moraine Lake, Banff NP, Canada
Jelena1: Drina river canyon
macmmh: P1271402-ORF_DxO_DeepPRIME.jpg
lb's photopix: backlit chippy in a tree
lb's photopix: Abert's squirrel
VitorJK: Cascata de Anços / Cascatas do Rio Mourão - Sintra - N6404
captured views: the morning hunt
lb's photopix: butterfly in yellow
lb's photopix: acorn woodpecker
Mariannevanderwesten: Butterfly between the lilac colors
judy dean: Hidcote Manor
cate♪: Lotus flower
randyherring: California Memories