peaceful-jp-scenery: white scene
Ken Krach Photography: Dead Horse Point State Park
P.E.T. shots: hammer and steel...4220
AngharadW: Ahhhhhh
Wrinkledpeach: As the shallows show....
Ken Krach Photography: Theodore Roosevelt National Park
Rhysp1: Moel Eilio
chuck.hunnicutt: Canyon Autumn
AlexKr81: Mordor
somewheredowntheroadphoto: Valley Of The Sun
Dave Cappleman: Forgotten Sunrise [in Explore]
AngharadW: Sunset on Whitesands bay
hellomumu / Taiwan: 雲眼斑螳 Creobroter nebulosa (Zheng 1988)
Be park: 青條花蜂
DJ's Photography@dj777_100er Always Catching Up: A big drone bee rests in Rhododendron flower at Whonnock Lake Park near Mission.
hellomumu / Taiwan: 擬天牛科 Oedemeridae sp.
didier95: Fleur de gaura
Marcin Krawczyk: 30412196065_60a7c4675c_o
Chas56: Canola field
power and passion: just beautiful
Andrew JK Tan: s 20192411_Robberfly with Prey_NiSi Close Up_DSC_1265
andre govia.: In The End
Jürgen... / OFF....: Nature experience