Foto Martien: Lime Swallowtail (Papilio demoleus)
Sean Archer: Bogdana
Hindrik S: In the Way?
Eelco van Dijk: Utrecht | Lange Nieuwstraat
Pieter Musterd: De Horsten
zilverbat.: Elite Hotel Marina Plaza in Oslo sparkles under the night sky
·dron·: Aktoprak Pass
Foto Martien: Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea)
Foto Martien: White ring atlas moth
Foto Martien: Indian crested porcupine
peterschmidt2711: Papilio machaon
peterschmidt2711: Argynnis paphia
peterschmidt2711: Fabriciana adippe Syn.: Argynnis adippe
peterschmidt2711: Lysandra coridon
peterschmidt2711: Limenitis camilla
peterschmidt2711: Apatura iris
peterschmidt2711: Papilio machaon
Andrew G Robertson: Oldshoremore
gary_photog: Winter's colors
YIP2: enough
iamphotokrazy: Green with a red flower
www.mosmichael: Dead Leaf Butterfly
LLD photographie: Heliconius hecale
Rodrigo Conte: Sara Longwing (Heliconius sara)
peterschmidt2711: Mimas tiliae
Vinchel: Blue Glassy Tiger
Hugo von Schreck: Schwalbenschwanz (Papilio machaon)
Nini Kraan: Autumn
Carlos. B: Dryas iulia)
Carlos. B: Papilio machaon