Sultan Sultani: Mockingbrid
S.R.Murphy: A Winter Sunset
John McGinty: Howling Coyote
Dave Cappleman: Silver-washed Fritillary [Argynnis paphia] ♀ [in Explore]
Daniel Gillaspia: Fall Color Change
Diratoli: La Grande Dixence, Switzerland
Ruby 2417: Margined Hoverfly in a Daisy
Roger Daniel: DSC_1848
sftrajan: Fisherman's Wharf
Pablo RG: Atacama
MukeshPhoto: CWD_12-4-21_2299
Ryan Dyar: White Hot
Diratoli: Saas Fee amphitheatre
William B Teuscher: 20170926-DSC_9125
Omnitrigger: Wolf Supermoon Rise
sochhoeung: Washed Away
uhu's pics: Summer evening, Emmental
khertrich: Ferruginous Hawk IV
finor: Catch of the Day
wuman88: High Above
Jean-Luc Peluchon: Evening light [Explore very late]
Diratoli: Dead Horse Point State Park, Moab, Utah
Diratoli: Behind the rocks from Amsa Back Trail
Orlando Cordero: an ad for my grand uncle's mexican bread truck business in the mid to late 1940s.