Jo Evans - off and on for a while:
Gossamer threads and bokeh - HMBT!
Jo Evans - off and on for a while:
Sunstar through the marram grass - Explore 21.11.24
Jo Evans - off and on for a while:
Reflections of sunset
Jo Evans - off and on for a while:
The rocks at Rhossili Beach
Angel@ T@ylor:
dragonfly resting
Bernie Duhamel:
Hooded Merganser - Flight
Bernie Duhamel:
Badlands National Park - South Dakota
Bernie Duhamel:
Dead Horse Point State Park - Utah
Bernie Duhamel:
Mystic Falls - Colorado
Bernie Duhamel:
Vestrahorn - Iceland
Bernie Duhamel:
Harvest Moon
Bernie Duhamel:
Grey Morph Screech Owl - Sleeping 💤😴
Jo Evans - off and on for a while:
Rhossili sunset at high tide
Nuno Xavier Moreira:
"Bufa-de-velha" (Lycoperdon perlatum)
Laura Jacobsen:
Beyond the devil's club
Nuno Xavier Moreira:
Sapo-de-unha-negra, Iberian spadefoot toad (Pelobates cultripes)
P H O T O W A H N:
Bebelplatz Panorama 2024 (Berlin Festival of Lights - 20th anniversary)