harveyatomo: Bee focus stack
harveyatomo: Rose petals
SKeysImages: Gnatcatcher2204aCS
Jesse_in_CT: Black-and-white Warbler
trawson58: Pheasant
wsnaturpic: Amsel
Nikki Nobles: WDDrake.jpg
paulpieta: Northern SAW-WHET Owl
Scott Glenn: DSC07857P
sbuckinghamnj: Ring-necked Duck in the golden hour
Nikki Nobles: WoodDuck.jpg
billbigfish: Seeing double!
trawson58: Great Crested Grebes
billbigfish: MS # 9246
SKeysImages: HoodedMerg21031aCS
blax_r: King of Wolf Howl Pond
wsnaturpic: Sperlingskauz
Nikki Nobles: BWWarbler.jpg
wsnaturpic: Sperlingskauz
PhillymanPete: Angel of the Grasslands
billbigfish: This Ghost isn't making clay pots!
trawson58: Short eared owl
PhillymanPete: The Mighty Norther Harrier
trawson58: Short eared owl
-Jon P: Short-eared Owl
wsnaturpic: Hermelin
wsnaturpic: Hermelin
-Jon P: American Goldfinch
-Jon P: American Red Fox