pattysloniger: I might just stare at this quilting the rest of the day. :) you're a rock star @pam_biswas !! #michaelmillerfabrics #allthetrimmings #cottoncouture #isitchristmasyet #quiltygoodness #puddyphotobomb
FeliceRegina: So I entered the room to find Batman like this. You have a box. ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?! #catlady #kitty
FeliceRegina: I lost this hand-lettered doodle I made and finally found it today. Disclaimer: I love my husband. #abrosebierce #thedevilsdictionary #handlettered #lettering #illustration #quotes #love
cmwinter21: My red baskets are finished! Pattern is #Buck-a-Block by #Thangles and quilting by @pam_biswas with ideas from @sehochhauser I ❤ it!
dkbnyny: Whaaaat?
Julia Marie ♥: A sampling of the fabrics for my fabric scrap swap partner, along with some vintage buttons and fabric coveted magnets. It'll get picked up tomorrow morning!
pattysloniger: The big pool is scary... baby steps. #bigmeandaddy #tryagaintomorrow
mimi'sdarlins: Woolly lamb pincushion
Young Texan Mama: I screamed with joy when I saw I made it into the top 16 for @sewvivor !!!!! Holy cow I am beyond thankful and excited about this!!! Now to work on those challenges #sewvivor @familyeverafter
bryanhousequilts: Feather Pouch inside
house of bad cats: Ghastlies mini finished! It's wet because I hand washed to remove the chalk lines, but I can't wait to hang it!
laurel.cull: Sew together bag with Patty's new line!
ejpawlik: super tote
stampqnjlr: The purple twist on Jane's quilt. Sorry the lighting is so poor. The quilt is getting so big!
Pam Quiltaholic Biswas: 20140410_163437
Pam Quiltaholic Biswas: 20140411_171322
Pam Quiltaholic Biswas: 20140410_163052
Pam Quiltaholic Biswas: 20140411_140039
Laura VanVleet: spring mug rug~
jaceycraft: FO: Boxy Pouches
jaceycraft: FO: Rain or Shine
mumziepooh: Lunchbox for my girl!
mumziepooh: Lil Fix pillow
mumziepooh: Happy Bird-day block
{Karamat}: 27:365 There's a chance I'll be spending tonight at a hotel... packed the important things first
tangled_threads: Spring Rain is on it's way to California
ejpawlik: Fall for Bitty blocks
Young Texan Mama: I've been bitten by the vintage sewing machine bug. This beauty's serial number dates her to 1948! I can't wait to clean it up and sew on it! #vintagesingersewingmachine #singer201