lhboudreau: “Tattoo Artist” by Norman Rockwell on the cover of “The Saturday Evening Post,” March 4, 1944.
SwellMap: Window Of St. Faith's Anglican Church, Rotorua, New Zealand
swallace99: Bantam Books 361 - Fredric Brown - The Dead Ringer
lhboudreau: “Special Detective,” Vol. 15, No. 4 (April 1952). Cover art by Howell Dodd for “Big-Time Gamblers Need A Girl Like Me!” by Trudi Stover.
Siren in the Night: Weird Tales v40 n02 [1948-01] cover
Jim Ed Blanchard: Dr. Earl A. Goldsmith Tells Your Son About Sex
swallace99: Graphic Books G-216 - John Erskine - The Private Life of Helen of Troy
swallace99: Bedside Books BB 813 - Mark Ryan - Streets of Sin
swallace99: Dell Books A167 - Al Fray - Built for Trouble
Pete's Paperbacks: The Gabriel Hounds
Bart&Co.: Handi-Wrap (1961)
totallymystified: 1961 illustration by Fanny Darnat
Jim Ed Blanchard: Jesus Use Me
Siren in the Night: Weird Tales v14 n03 [1929-09] cover
Donald Deveau: Micronauts - Membros-Back ( Mego 1979 )
jericl cat: Hollywood Production
Siren in the Night: Weird Tales v15 n04 [1930-04] cover
anyjazz65: Twins
it's better than bad: huck finns restaurant phoenix mesa flagstaff AZ
barbiescanner: Sears Spring/Summer 196020190819_21185184
SwellMap: The Big Well, Greensburg, Kansas
Paula Wirth: A Mexico por Automovil
lhboudreau: “This Dame Dies Soon” by Hank Janson. Alexander Moring (1951). Cover art by Reginald Heade. British crime noir paperback.
SFordScott: Fast Loose Money
barbiescanner: Carolyn Schnurer for Peck and Peck 1955
SFordScott: Thrilling Detective
ElectroSpark: Big-Tex, Dallas State Fair — 1961
Paula Wirth: 6 and the Silent Scream
Stef from UK: Monument Valley
jericl cat: Grand Canyon Caverns