Bart&Co.: McCrory's 5-10-25¢ Store, Syracuse, N.Y.
Bart&Co.: Jell-O Instant Pudding (1955)
Bart&Co.: Vanderbilt Square, Syracuse, N.Y.
Bart&Co.: A Formal Event
Bart&Co.: Onodago Lake. Syracuse, N.Y.
Bart&Co.: Old Crow (1955)
Bart&Co.: Swing Into Spring
Bart&Co.: Chef Boy-Ar-Dee (1955)
Bart&Co.: The Stadium, Syracuse University
Bart&Co.: At The Supermarket
Bart&Co.: Train Ride To Hollywood
Bart&Co.: Colgate-Dr. West's (1955)
Bart&Co.: The Syracuse Lighting Company Office Building At Night
Bart&Co.: Black & Decker (1955)
Bart&Co.: You got mail!
Bart&Co.: Wings (1955)
Bart&Co.: Exit 35 Motel
Bart&Co.: Rath Black Hawk Meats (1955)
Bart&Co.: Some Enchanted Evening
Bart&Co.: Shiny Happy People
Bart&Co.: Ford Fairlane (1955)
Bart&Co.: South Salina Street, Looking South, from Fayetteville Street, Syracuse, N.Y.
Bart&Co.: Arrow Shirts (1955)
Bart&Co.: The Graduates
Bart&Co.: The One Show
Bart&Co.: Alma Motel
Bart&Co.: Harold in Italy
Bart&Co.: Imperial Whiskey (1955)
Bart&Co.: Herb Lubalin
Bart&Co.: Herb Lubalin