Kei Kei Law:
黑斑傘弄蝶 Bibasis oedipodea (Orange Awlet)
a whole lot of smoke
between the clouds
Dirk Hessels:
Goldfinch | Distelvink (Putter) | Stieglitz, (Carduelis carduelis)
Dirk Hessels:
Mealy Redpoll | grote Barmsijs | Birkenzeisig, (Acanthis flammea)
Lacerta Bilineata:
Swallowtail Closeup
Niall Corbet:
Red underwing moth (Catocala nupta), Pebrieres
World is Beautiful:
Intense look
Faireal tales from Here:
Vipera aspis femelle, portrait (causse du Larzac)
Faireal tales from Here:
Empusa pennata, immature (causse du Larzac)
Niall Corbet:
Pearly heath (Coenonympha arcania), Sant Joan de Mediona
Krisz Ford:
Lacerta Bilineata:
Fernando Delgado:
Esfinge-Caveira (Acherontia atropos) | Death's-head Hawkmoth
Fernando Delgado:
Evarcha jucunda
Fernando Delgado:
Borboleta cauda de Andorinha (Papilio machaon) | Swallowtail
Patrick Laferl:
Saturnia pavoniella (Male)
Patrick Laferl:
Apatura iris (male)
Dori_Thrastar photography:
Arctic Fox / Tófa
Dori_Thrastar photography:
Rock Ptarmigan, male / Karri
Wojciech Grzanka:
Black woodpecker