holdinghausenm: Blick von der Bastei
Frank Lawler: Canada Gosling in the Sunshine.
creaturesnapper: Digger Wasp --- Cerceris rybyensis
mukesh_mishra: Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)
seppomie: Dryocopus martius - Black woodpecker
Jean-François Hic: Indigo Bunting - Passerina cyanea
antoinebouyer: Insecte
antoinebouyer: Araignée
antoinebouyer: Agrion bleu
Geoff Sale: Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum)
Geoff Sale: House Finch
Geoff Sale: Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum)
Geoff Sale: Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum)
Geoff Sale: American Robin (Turdus migratorius) with lunch!
(bbarsalo): Pélican brun - Pelecanus occidentalis - Brown Pelican
(bbarsalo): Ortalide de Colombie - Ortalis columbiana - Colombian Chachalaca
(bbarsalo): Ortalide de Colombie - Ortalis columbiana - Colombian Chachalaca
ritchey.jj: Heron
malioli: Every day one shot!
Franck Zumella: Black Indian Runner Duck : a chick
Anthony Kernich Photo: Long Ridge Lookout
FRANcisco /: greens
alainazer: P1270233
takapata: False strawberry
marsshalini: Busy with its noodles - pond heron, UP, INDIA
Ron Vipond: Jumpin' Jay Flash