yasar metin: old boy
Julio Olguin: Brenda
Scott Jones: obligatory subway bokeh
Anakinleboss: Cinque Terre
BeNowMeHere: Serenity on the Golden Lake
Cloudwhisperer67: Changing the Guard - Buckingham Palace - Summer 2014
samuel sellier: _DSC4771
samuel sellier: _DSC4777
samuel sellier: _DSC4791
oliveplum: DSC09541
tootalltomphoto: Hustle and Bustle
giesmannb: Golden Eagle giving me the stink eye.
anwarsyah tarigan: Perempuan berkebaya
anwarsyah tarigan: Nyantai di bus tua
BoonHong Chan: Buffy Fish Owl (Ketupa ketupu)_DSC4579-1
personal note: いやー、先にね、
personal note: もつ鍋スタート!
personal note: 美味いコレー
projectufirst: Part 1. When God calls us to serve; we must be ready. When God ask us to be obedient we must listen... When God ask us to remember those who are hungry, naked and with out shelter we must act. As the visionary of U FIRST I am blessed to share this wonderf
Jerold Tan: Christmas Wonderland 2014
Jerold Tan: Christmas Wonderland 2014 - Night Owls
Jerold Tan: Christmas Wonderland 2014 - Pillars of Light
David Glen: Scrapper
tootalltomphoto: Neg Strip