bluishgreen12: Rain.Rain.Rain
Blanca Martinez i Ribes: IMG_20171013_092755_613
Jazz Sandoval: Geometría del cuatro. Arrecife, enero 2015.
[@]Jendrix56: Welcome to the machine
Hel Des: Helecho Fern Fougère
chrisfriel: 220116-2-4
[@]Jendrix56: La otra Barcelona (Hijos de un mismo Dios) -L'altra Barcelona (Fills del mateix Déu)- The other Barcelona (Sons of the same God)
[@]Jendrix56: Cruzar al otro lado - Creuar l'altra banda - Crossing to the other side
wjosna: well, the dreams might be real...
[@]Jendrix56: Volver donde todo comenzo - Tornar on tot va començar - Back to where I started
[@]Jendrix56: Like a prayer
[@]Jendrix56: El ultimo emeprador - L'últim emperador - The Last Emperor
canperet: Voltors al Pla Boixer
Anoop Negi: A Changpa Family Portrait at a Reebo in Tsokar, Ladakh
Anoop Negi: Tales of Prayer Wheel Wielding Ladakhis
Anoop Negi: A woman Cooks - A Changpa Settlement on the Inside
Anoop Negi: Hemis Monastery and the Jagged Peaks of Ladakh
Anoop Negi: Mohammed Kasim - The Gujjar Nomad from Himachal Pradesh
ArTeTeTrA: One more day
 Jorge Lizana : El jardin de las delicias