ragger65: A New Beginning
ragger65: Shadows on the Snow
ragger65: Moon with Halo
ragger65: Snowy Tree in Back Light
ragger65: Icicles
ragger65: Partly Frozen Mini-Waterfall
ragger65: Snow Surface
ragger65: Snowy Tree Avenue
ragger65: Ice Cave
ragger65: Ice Candle
ragger65: Staggered Ice Candles
ragger65: Snow Festival at the Blue Hour
ragger65: Aurora Shot Freehand
ragger65: University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS)
ragger65: Morning Scenery in Longyearbyen
ragger65: Ice on the Window
ragger65: View from Svalbard Airport
ragger65: Annular Eclipse of the Sun
ragger65: Partial Lunar Eclipse
ragger65: White Night Rainbow
ragger65: Skeleton Biker
ragger65: Canoeing in the Blue Hour
ragger65: Not yet autumn...
ragger65: Sunset in Fürstenlager Auerbach
ragger65: Sunset with Halos
ragger65: Oulanka River
ragger65: Autumn Birch Tree
ragger65: Lingonberries
ragger65: Dwarf Pine in Front of the Rapids
ragger65: Contemplating by the River