galkojan: English countryside
hetocy: Sylvanie
Matt Osborne (MrLeica.Com): Light Lens Lab SPII
galkojan: Runner
Matt Osborne (MrLeica.Com): Nokton 35mm f1.4 Portrait
Matt Osborne (MrLeica.Com): Canon L3 Portrait
Matt Osborne (MrLeica.Com): 75mm Biotar - Steampunk Vibe
Matt Osborne (MrLeica.Com): Leica R6 Portrait
dan-mihai: Poseidon’s Wrath
wildbird2015: DSC_0783 Banded Rail ( Rallus phillipensis )
Matt Osborne (MrLeica.Com): Leica M3 + LLL SPII
mandyhedley: Close up of a rabbit - Explored 06/23
Didier THEAU: Abracadabra !
Josef...: winter morning haze
claudiadea131: The field of daisies
Estrada77: White-tailed Fawn.
GerhardStanke: Flussregenpfeifer
Bill Richmond: Mandarin Duck
hetocy: Lucie
Brian GeorgeML: Outside Milan Fashion Weeks