philippe*: Colonia sunset
SubtropicBob: STAG, November 1955. Cover painting by Mort Kunstler
Taylor Player: Eddie Van Halen and Rick Nielsen
Retronaut: filming Star Trek - view of transporter room
Twang Your Head: Chevy C-20 [Driver Side]
qcmilook78: Washburn A-10-12
farmer dodds: Pink Flamingos - LSD [Lysergic Acid Diethylamide]
ceriatoneamp: molecular_head_5
ceriatoneamp: molecular_head_7
ceriatoneamp: JTM45_100_PA_3
Twang Your Head: [355/366] Nick Lowe’s Quality Rock and Roll Revue
moaan: A Night of October
Twang Your Head: ***[293/366]*** Today’s Steal Like An Artist Project
Twang Your Head: ***[266/366]*** BBQ
Mike Z: Tippy Top LV4A3717
Twang Your Head: Bryan Ferry Setlist; 2016
slade1955: Lance Vending Machine
ceriatoneamp: amp_15
ceriatoneamp: molecular_head_1
Twang Your Head: [82/366] FrogmanX
The Library of Congress: Help identify 12 mystery photos for the Flickr Commons 12th anniversary! Challenge #5
ceriatoneamp: modelT_gut15
Reference Laboratory: Nile Rodgers' guitar amps with Audix CabGrabber and Reference Labs RMC01 mic cable | pic 02
Twang Your Head: Gnome[s]
ceriatoneamp: superSound_2
ceriatoneamp: modelT_amp5
ceriatoneamp: JM_100_chassis_2