quinet: Masthead of L'Illustration - Journal Universel - 1871
quinet: Cover of L'Illustration Tome LVII 1871
quinet: Paris at the barricades
quinet: Masthead of L'Illustration - a Paris weekly 1871
quinet: Artillery battery at Trocadero
quinet: Rebus 1
quinet: 1871 L'Illustration Title Page
quinet: Slaughter of an elephant as Paris lay under siege by the Prussian Army 1870
quinet: Prussian victory 1871
quinet: A healing kiss
quinet: Avenue de Boulogne - Franco-Prussian War
quinet: Defence of Paris from Avenue Ulrich
quinet: Ahmed Ben Baghdad receives a military medal
quinet: Fabrication of lantern pins 1871
quinet: 1871 steelworks
quinet: 1871 drying lanterns in a workshop
quinet: Casting a lantern 1871
quinet: 1871 stoking the factory furnace
quinet: 1871 pouring lantern shells
quinet: Troops gather near Paris 1871
quinet: 1871 Medal for support of French press
quinet: 1871 emergency hospital
quinet: The Martyrs of Patriotism 1871
quinet: 1871 Rebus 2
quinet: 1871 Prussian trench
quinet: Bombardment of Paris
quinet: Paris prepares for bombardment 1871
quinet: 1871 Paris under bombardment
quinet: 1871 rebus 3
quinet: 1871 demonstration of magnification