quinet: 1871 Ernest Picard
quinet: 1871 command post
quinet: 1871 workmen prepare for war
quinet: 1871 firearms factory
quinet: 1871 arms factory
quinet: Prisoners of Paris 1871
quinet: 1871 soldiers in camp
quinet: 1871 military cantine
quinet: 1871 soldiers from Breton dance a folk dance in camp
quinet: 1871 looters on the battlefield
quinet: 1871 vehicles turned over to the defence of Paris
quinet: 1871 emergency military hospital set up in a theatre
quinet: Funeral of children killed in the 1871 bombardment of Paris
quinet: 1871 Building barricades for the defence of Paris
quinet: 1871 defence of Paris
quinet: Rebus 1871
quinet: 1871 gathering of troops
quinet: 1871 troops in action
quinet: Shelling during the 1871 seige of Paris
quinet: 1871 rebus puzzle
quinet: Artillery rallies for the defence of Paris 1871
quinet: French defensive line 1871
quinet: 1871 sheltering in basements
quinet: 1871 battalion on the move
quinet: Sheltering from the 1871 bombardment of Paris
quinet: 1871 sheltering in the basement of the Panthéon
quinet: Sheltering from bambardment 1871 in the catacombs
quinet: 1871 Fort Montrouge after bombardment
quinet: 1871 Rebus puzzle
quinet: 1871 troops return to Paris after armistice