janis253: Wild Turkey - 2020 Nokesville CBC
janis253: Red-headed Woodpecker - 2015 Nokesville CBC
janis253: Red-shouldered Hawk - 2021 Nokesville CBC
janis253: Barred Owl - 2021 Nokesville CBC
Judy Gallagher: Sycamore Tussock Moth - Halysidota harrisii, Julie Metz Wetlands, Woodbridge, Virginia, July 23, 2021
Judy Gallagher: Monarch - Danaus plexippus, Meadowood Farm SRMA, Mason Neck, Virginia
Judy Gallagher: Snow Geese - Anser caerulescens, Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, Church Creek, Maryland, February 15, 2020
Judy Gallagher: Henry's Elfin - Callophrys henrici, Meadowood SRMA, Mason Neck, Virginia
Naturebuggin: Osprey
Judy Gallagher: Shades of Grey, Leesylvania State Park, Woodbridge, Virginia
Judy Gallagher: Leesylvania State Park, Woodbridge, Virginia
Judy Gallagher: Hickory Horned Devil - Citheronia regalis, Huntley Meadows Park, Alexandria, Virginia
Judy Gallagher: Jimmy and the Walking Stick, Mindo, Ecuador
Judy Gallagher: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail chrysalis - Papilio glaucus, Lake Accotink Park, Springfield, Virginia
hennessy.barb: 2nd brood of Bluebirds this year
Naturebuggin: Henry's Elfin
Naturebuggin: DSC06494
Naturebuggin: Great Horned Owl
Judy Gallagher: Merry Christmas!
Marsh, D.: Giant Swallowtail laying eggs
Marsh, D.: Alligators at Myakka River State Park
Naturebuggin: Spring male Scarlet Tanager
jimmygva: Moonlight through the trees 8”x24” acrylic on canvas.
Marsh, D.: Fanning Springs State Park
Madalin Ciortea: The forest colors joy
Christine Dolan: The Deli
Dave Govoni: Eastern Gray Squirrel, Virginia
Dave Govoni: Northern Mockingbird, Virginia
nature-flics: Osprey
Naturebuggin: Northern Cardinal drinking water from almost completely frozen creek