buchsammy: Hagebutte
Ostseeleuchte: Himalayan vulture
sir.mehedi: Use your imagination not to scare yourself to death but to inspire yourself to life.. "Happy Halloween Friends"
sidneyportier: Gaasterland op vrijdag 27 oktober 2017
Angel@ T@ylor: Me and my swans.
Greet N.: Grazing sunrise
Ostseeleuchte: Herbie n°53
Angel@ T@ylor: flowers at Sunset
Greet N.: It leeds to nowhere
Thomas Pohlig: This Is My Good Side
Landris: P1010118
Landris: P1010166
Susanne Weber: Müder Spatz - tired Sparrow
timber1212: Dark Eyed Junco ( oregon )
ericnzhou: House Sparrow
Acobaleno: Sparrow
sir.mehedi: "When parents are uncomfortable, their kids are often uncomfortable, and kids often see the the world through their parents eyes, right or wrong."
honeyj49: any time at all
j . mahon: Is this a dream , is this a fantasy .
sidneyportier: Sexbierum op vrijdag 11 augustus 2017
Thomas Pohlig: Leaf Abstract
j . mahon: Stardrops
claudiadea131: A majestic black white
j . mahon: Ready for work , Rise and shine.