calderwoodroy: BEA Edinburgh to London Heathrow schedule for Winter 1970/71
StreetwiseFife: 211 - DF66 PSX - Prentice of Haddington
StreetwiseFife: 211 - DF66 PSX - Prentice of Haddington 2
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Backing Scottish Bus Week with a visit to Prentice's in Haddington
calderwoodroy: Prentice Coaches 411 on High Street, Haddington.
calderwoodroy: Prentice Coaches 231 at High Street, Haddington.
CYule Buses: Prentice Of Haddington 393 YY67 HBJ (09-11-2022)
CYule Buses: Prentice Of Haddington 335 B88 PCH (15-10-2022)
Robin Dickson 1: Prentice Coaches of Haddington Alexander Dennis E20D AD Enviro 200 YX72OJG 342 operating service 111 to Royal Infirmary at High Street, Haddington, on 31 October 2022.
Robin Dickson 1: Prentice Coaches of Haddington Alexander Dennis E20D AD Enviro 200 YY67HBJ 393 operating service 108 to Fort Kinnaird at High Street, Haddington, on 31 October 2022.
Robin Dickson 1: Prentice Coaches of Haddington Mercedes Benz 516CDi Mellor Strata Plus LN70PPU 231 operating service 101B to Retail Park at High Street, Haddington, on 31 October 2022.
Daniel yule photos: Prentice of Haddington Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 MMC YX21RNO
David's Transport Pics: S33PCH (BU64MWM)
David's Transport Pics: YX72OJG & YX22OGF
Robin Dickson 1: Prentice Coaches of Haddington Alexander Dennis E20D AD Enviro 200 SN15LLA operating service 111 to Royal Infirmary at The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, on 6 October 2022.
Robin Dickson 1: Prentice Coaches of Haddington Alexander Dennis E20D AD Enviro 200 SN15LLA operating service 111 to Royal Infirmary at High Street, Haddington, on 3 October 2022.
Robin Dickson 1: Prentice Coaches of Haddington Alexander Dennis E20D AD Enviro 200MMC YX70OLV 411 operating service 108 to Fort Kinnaird at High Street, Haddington, on 3 October 2022. YX21 RNO Prentice of Haddington Alexander Dennis E200mmc 111 to Haddington (2) YX22 OGF Prentice of Haddington Alexander Dennis E200mmc bound for Edinburgh Royal Infirmary on the 111 (5) YX22 OGF Prentice of Haddington Alexander Dennis E200mmc operating 111 Haddington (1)
StreetwiseFife: 342 - YX72 OJG - Prentice of Haddington 3
StreetwiseFife: 342 - YX72 OJG - Prentice of Haddington 5
StreetwiseFife: 342 - YX72 OJG - Prentice of Haddington 2
StreetwiseFife: 342 - YX72 OJG - Prentice of Haddington
Robin Dickson 1: Prentice Coaches of Haddington Mercedes Benz Vario O816D Plaxton Cheetah 2 S600PCH, new as SS61PCH, returning to depot after a school duty at High Street, Haddington, on 21 September 2022.
busmanscotland: Prentice, Haddington YX22OGF
busmanscotland: Prentice, Haddington DF66PSX
busmanscotland: Prentice, Haddington YX70OLW