MartinWhitfieldMSP: Gullane Area Community Council supporting the Dirleton Solar Walk initiative
MartinWhitfieldMSP: At the VoiceBox 2025 launch at Cockenzie Primary School
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Meeting NFU Scotland reps at local farm
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Launch of Dirleton Solar Walk
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Backing Small Business Saturday
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Supporting Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Backing Usdaw's Respect for Shopworkers Week during Coop visit
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Attending the launch of completed stills at McMillan Coppersmiths in Prestonpans
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Launching Youth Work (Scotland) Bill proposal
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Supporting the Scottish Poppy Appeal
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Meeting Scottish Youth Parliament reps
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Holding Tranent advice surgery with Douglas Alexander MP
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Visiting Heavy Sound
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Visiting Sunamp with Douglas Alexander MP
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Supporting Young Scot at Holyrood
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Meeting local artist Andrew Crummy with Douglas Alexander MP
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Belhaven Brewery visit
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Meeting ME Action Scotland representatives
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Promoting Breast Cancer Now's Wear it Pink fundraising campaign
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Visiting Moray House
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Visiting Home-Start East Lothian
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Visiting the Haven project in Tranent
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Visiting the Premium Bakery in Prestonpans for Scotland Loves Local Week
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Backing the Coalition of Carers Scotland
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Visiting Belhaven community garden
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Celebrating 25 years of Holyrood
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Signing to Book of Commitment for Holocaust Memorial Day
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Visiting Re-Tweed social enterprise in Eyemouth
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Holding supermarket surgery at Dunbar Asda store
MartinWhitfieldMSP: Visiting the APSS Strutter project