pankaj.anand: Dalena !!
pankaj.anand: Famous hoodos of Bryce Canyon !![Explored-14-july-2024]
pankaj.anand: Jill in the library !!
pankaj.anand: Famous hoodos of Bryce Canyon !!
pankaj.anand: Northern lights in Washington !!
pankaj.anand: Sage is a Witch !!
pankaj.anand: Halloween Decorations !!
pankaj.anand: Sunset from sunset park in Seattle !!
the.nerwin: Rainy Spring Day
Rudi1976: Madrid.
Sandra H-K: My collection of miniatures....I think I need more ;)
Sandra H-K: Throw kindness around like confetti.
Sandra H-K: First I drink the coffee. Then I do the things.
Sandra H-K: "This is the hour of fallen leaves, their dust scattered over the earth.." ~Neryda~
Sandra H-K: Life is a series of thousands of tiny miracles...notice them.
Sandra H-K: It is not happy people that are thankful. It is thankful people that are happy.
Sandra H-K: Forgive yourself for not knowing what you didn't know before you learned it.
pankaj.anand: Solitude !![Explored-Oct-19-2021]
pankaj.anand: Kirkland !!
Dhina A: fly on flower
{jessica drossin}: Wall of Confusion
nicolasheinzelmann: So i Unscherfi toucht chönntme d Aare fasch mitemne Sternehimu verwächsle.
w.mekwi photography [here & there]: Puffin (Fratercula arctica)
Mikko Lagerstedt: Early Morning Mystery
anshu_si: Day 167.365 - Granola with yoghurt
Atmosferic_Spirit: sDdKM3f-a7g