dlv1: Milky Way and Comet
Levina de Ruijter: Sedge Warbler / Rietzanger (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus)
Levina de Ruijter: Eurasian reed warbler / Kleine karekiet (Acrocephalus scirpaceus)
Levina de Ruijter: Black-tailed godwit / Grutto (Limosa limosa)
Levina de Ruijter: Eurasian kestrel / Torenvalk (Falco tinnunculus)
Wendy E. Miller: One harrier, four F-18s
Wendy E. Miller: Night sky
dlv1: DSC_1820
Wendy E. Miller: Ruby-crowned kinglet
dlv1: DSC_1531
hiwystar: Moon 0126
Ray Allen: IMGP6091_Web
dlv1: Loon - Northwood Lake
Ray Allen: IMGP6004_Web
Fathernature1959: Table Mountain
dlv1: New Hampshire Farm
dlv1: Downtown Penacook, NH
dlv1: Portsmouth, NH
Wendy E. Miller: Black skimmer
Ray Allen: IMGP9482
Wendy E. Miller: Cattle egrets in breeding plumage
dlv1: Sliver
Photos by Denise Riddle: These 2 Allen’s are about to fledge.
Ricardo Gomez A: 170A3341
Fathernature1959: Butte Creek at Butte Meadows
cbjphoto: Harris' hawk
Ray Allen: Hibiscus_Stack_Hand_Held
Wendy E. Miller: the moon
dlv1: DSC_9944
Wendy E. Miller: Blackbird vs. Raven