Wendy E. Miller: Burrowing Owl
Wendy E. Miller: Burrowing Owl
Wendy E. Miller: Burrowing Owl
Wendy E. Miller: Burrowing Owl
Wendy E. Miller: Burrowing Owls
Wendy E. Miller: Burrowing Owl
Wendy E. Miller: Burrowing Owl
Wendy E. Miller: Phainopepla
Wendy E. Miller: American kestrel pair
Wendy E. Miller: American kestrel
Wendy E. Miller: Belted kingfisher
Wendy E. Miller: Burrowing Owl
Wendy E. Miller: Burrowing Owl
Wendy E. Miller: Burrowing Owls
Wendy E. Miller: Burrowing Owl
Wendy E. Miller: Burrowing Owls
Wendy E. Miller: Burrowing Owl
Wendy E. Miller: Mute swan ignores hunters
Wendy E. Miller: King eider !!!
Wendy E. Miller: Long-tailed ducks
Wendy E. Miller: Sanderling
Wendy E. Miller: Mute swans in the ocean
Wendy E. Miller: Female common eider with crab
Wendy E. Miller: Herring gull after stealing the eider's crab
Wendy E. Miller: Male and female common eider
Wendy E. Miller: Common loon
Wendy E. Miller: Golden-crowned kinglet
Wendy E. Miller: Golden-crowned kinglet
Wendy E. Miller: Tufted titmouse
Wendy E. Miller: Northern haarrier