Beware 'The Nix'....
ericnzhou: Tyrian Metaltail
davepickettphotographer: Runswick Bay low tide
kleiner_eisbaer_75: the Ruddy Turnstone enjoys the golden evening light in search of food
NORDIC Lightbeams: Changeable weather at the Faroes
drbut: Barn Owl
davidgardiner8: Zebra Spider-38
Albert Wirtz @ Landscape and Nature Photography: *Spring 2024 in the East Eifel*
Scuba`Steve`: Little Owl....Derbyshire
Catherine Sienko: Satellite Launch European Robin
Digital Plume Hunter: Brown-hooded Parrot
ericnzhou: Golden-breasted Puffleg
Maria-H: Goldfinch
MarkBee3: Male marsh harrier
Albert Wirtz @ Landscape and Nature Photography: *Spring sunrise in the Wittlich Valley*
nikjanssen: Wilde kievitsbloem - fritillaria meleagris
nick edge: Artistic terns?
nick edge: Puffins
nick edge: In the skies above North Uist
nick edge: Redshank
nick edge: Won't be long....
nick edge: Wheatear