Alberto Guglielm8: IMG_1362-2
sara.robin: i have some photos here ➡️
elsvo: I don't know how to slow it down
elsvo: I may appear to be free, but I'm just a prisoner
elsvo: Why in the world would anybody put chains on me
elsvo: Look at my life, look at my heart
elsvo: Home is where the heart is
..beth..: ~morning mood.when light hits you~
..beth..: ~drape3~
..beth..: `flo`
..beth..: ~ombre del rimorso~
sara.robin: more strange days from the archives …
M'as-tu-vu (en diptyque): Le songe d'un jour d'été
C i n d i . K I M M Y: Saying Goodbye
annalisa ceolin: In montagna, L’orto di Lorena
iwona_podlasinska: river (as the summer is on)
helmet13: a towel at the right hook .