morbs06: lamp abstract#1
John Andersen (JPAndersen images): Strobe spinning Explored! January 22 2017
Alan-Taylor: Scale Haw Falls
s2710: Tiger and Turtle upside down
Tony LePrieur: Bohemian Waxwing
mik-shep: 039/117 `Tis I... Noir. (Explore 23/01)
Andy Brandl (PhotonMix): Schattenwuerfe
Phil Durkin DPAGB BPE4: Retired 'N' Lovin' It
Deborah Freeman: Same scene, the look of determination...heading for a meal, heading to a place where there might be confrontation....
.bella.: The Tempest
Avanaut: Ka-Boom!
Avanaut: The Steps of a Walker
SoulSkin: cuadros
Fer Gregory: Rosa de agua
tuek.: miriam
aknacer: Grief
Tal Bright: I ♥ Zürich
Maya Newman: over the wall
Maya Newman: Green-eyed
lucy_nka: No man is an island, entire of itself
lucy_nka: did we lose our chance?
Connie Lemperle: Emi enjoying a summer soak! Proud mom!
raineys: Teardrop for a Friend
aremac: Showdown
Quizz...: dance to the tune
frzw: the stuff dreams are made of XI