Choral Fields: contact:
Choral Fields: noise/stave
Choral Fields: Sounding (matter/ time/ graph)
geener: Christie_Final
hilatron: Josh contemplates pumpkin mouths and other serious matters.
Choral Fields: Carbon Sound Field
Lane Collins: Mr. Yim!
Lane Collins: Portrait of my mother at my grandmother's house.
Lane Collins: @nicolesheikh singing Oasis
Lans Hansen: Solar Eclipse
the3robbers: untitled (pretty ugly 13)
the3robbers: ...angle shades moth (phlogophora meticulosa)
daniel spils: Yellow Chairs
Barrett Cook: Ranger
Nelson Minar: Approaching San Francisco
Baking Fairy: IMG_2423
Baking Fairy: IMG_2577
Baking Fairy: IMG_2438
Baking Fairy: IMG_2475
Baking Fairy: IMG_2517
Baking Fairy: IMG_2633
Baking Fairy: IMG_2645
lucyshena: Rowing on the Wear