clone12: DSC_0011_2_3_tonemapped
Bethbhat: Man and his Dog
Burlingamebarley: JUST OUT OF REACH
dohlongma: digger
Harry Mijland: Welcome to my world
abbenquesnel: Lazy dog and biker in Lac La Hache, BC
beachwalker2007: Red-tailed Hawk (edit)
Steve Collins Photography: Training With The Lure
happywheaten: Two wheaten bums
happywheaten: We are wheatens! We love to play!!!
David Cartier: Head Lock
Photo Twister: What's wrong with this picture?
[Christine]: Buck Hollow View - Shenandoah National Park
Elinesca: Grandma? Are you coming?
[Christine]: Now He Wants to Join a Hair Band
gregraisman: Dot, Beth, and Greg test ride a Bakfiets
Metering: IMG_3478
Jumpin'Jack: Treasure Hunt
PedroMadruga: Tursiops truncatus
hearman: Osprey
flykahana: Daniels Launch
Starlisa: IMG_4422 4:40 pm
Buddha's Ghost: Bela Lugosi's Dead
Buck Forester: Loyalty
Burlingamebarley: Please wait to be seated
sue r b: "Sit for cookies"!