flykahana: Welcoming committee at my landing in Nong Salak Dai
flykahana: Happy with this landing
flykahana: The dude is enlightened.
flykahana: Debriefing on the lanai of 8 Restaurant
flykahana: Looking for sunlit ground and another thermal, northeast of Khao Sadao
flykahana: Picking out a landing field
flykahana: Sunrise behind the B2 Korat hotel
flykahana: Last supper! At the Kantary Hotel Grill Room.
flykahana: Ceiling sculpture in the Kantary Hotel Grill Room restaurant
flykahana: Getting low and approaching a blue-roofed village
flykahana: View from my second room at Marriott Sukhumvit
flykahana: Looking back at Khao Sadao
flykahana: Khao Sadao ridge line
flykahana: Heading east from Khao Sadao
flykahana: Cloudbase above Khao Sadao
flykahana: Sunset view from Octave rooftop bar at Marriott Sukhumvit
flykahana: Matt preparing for a forward launch at Khao Sadao
flykahana: Cheers! Starting with the Green Valley libation, featuring Thai basil and mint, at the Octave rooftop bar at Marriott Sukhumvit
flykahana: Peering down over Bangkok at dusk
flykahana: 99 red balloons. A deliciously sour hibiscus sipper at Octave rooftop bar at Marriott Sukhumvit.
flykahana: Octave rooftop bar at Marriott Sukhumvit
flykahana: Austin’s textbook forward launch at Khao Sadao