Veiko Tubin: Klassikaline sügis / Classical Autumn
ast(a): ginaboy
rivos: 20100106nikon3.jpg
rivos: 20100109nikon3.jpg
Veiko Tubin: Lee tänaval / Lee on the Street
Veiko Tubin: Õhtune aken / Window
cheese_colored_mumu: tabby bored of life
headpipe: Sekizenkan
Veiko Tubin: Kunstihoones / In Art Building
Marion Undusk: Helina - Tuhu raba - september 2009
Marion Undusk: Asko ja Simo - Karuse - september 2009
Marion Undusk: Madis, Helina ja Elen - Karuse - september 2009
Marion Undusk: Peeter ja Madis - Lihula - september 2009
Veiko Tubin: Balti jaama tuvid / Pigeons in Railway Station
Kaarel Nurk: IMG_2688
Linnateater: Kontsert 13.augusti õhtul Järva-Madise kirikus 6
Veiko Tubin: Pits / Lace
coreyfishes: Hospital
coreyfishes: Chris and Little Kitty
LittleMonsta: DSC01717
the cheshire smile: anticipation
the cheshire smile: Day 180 - "With each passing moment I'm becoming part of the past. There is no future for me, just the past steadily accumulating."
the cheshire smile: Day 117 - "The pure present is an ungraspable advance of the past devouring the future. In truth, all sensation is already memory."
the cheshire smile: As the day light left the city that night, the streetlamps were not up to anything like their usual candle-power...