U.S. Department of State: Secretary Kerry Prepares to Depart From Washington For Milan Expo in Italy
Esther Lin • all elbows: Mt. Finlayson hike while visiting Victoria
chrisdafox: mika-san
AJM STUDIOS: Lummi Nation, Washington (AJM NWPD)
Law Enforcement Today.com: LAW ENFORCEMENT TODAY www.lawenforcementtoday.com
jaciii (off&on): "And if the light in you is darkness, how great will the darkness be”_DSC05167
Official U.S. Air Force: On top of the ‘Globe’
chrisdafox: 7 years and counting
forstonsr: A lil arms length self portrait action.
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United States Marine Corps Official Page: When Life Closes a Door...
Official U.S. Air Force: Turning Wrenches so ‘That Others May Live’
America's Navy: Court room
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Law Enforcement Today.com: BRPoliceSWATIMG_9535
chrisdafox: back on track