trhdds: Brown Pelican
dleany: Denmark #21
m01229: Chillon Castle or Chateau de Chillon is a famous castle located on Lake Geneva near Montreux, canton Vaud in Switzerland
Averton: P1251851 Grevillea delight
©Andrey: Paris
ronald groenendijk: R25_3226-NR
stanley.ashbourne: Tufted duck
D. C. Peters: Red-headed Woodpecker with a snack
rocco parisi: 2025 NGC2237 NGC2244 Rosette Nebula - 2S BS with Askar 103APO+0.6X + ASI533MC-P
Pierre Casavant: Harfang des neiges, Snowy Owl, Bubo scandiacus. DSC_4364-1.jpg
Picsnapper1212: Official State Bird of Ohio
tiffinjp: St Margarets
The Treerunner: Black Redstart, first winter male
ildikoannable: Ice closing in
cfarstar: Icy Pier!!
mahazda: Tower shaped
ChasingNature: Male Bushtit
Vítor P: _DSF6379
chris n cox: Sparrowhawk
Roger Strand: Stjernehimmel
Michel Roesink: Roerdomp / Eurasian bittern / Botaurus stellaris
gerhil: #MagicMoment
mittiellanipi: Setophaga Pitiayumi. Reinita Tropical. Tropical Parula. Explore February the first.
Peter Simpson: Black-crowned Night Heron
brue': Frozen Lake
blackhawk32: Red Tail Hawk Karma-2
MDAD1961: Barn Owl
Samuel Maglione: _1310312-ORF_DxO_DeepPRIME
gravelben: Toetoes Bay
noel.crosetti: Pointe d'Andey