jackez2010: Faucon crécerelle_A732928_DxO
kazuone: 001
elihsdavey: Osprey with leopard shark
藍呈: 下福市民活動中心
shaderjp: Sakura
狂热飞鸟: Very Vigilant Cat
pshan: The Shawshank Redemption
Gf220warbler: Sage Thrasher
Our Local Wildlife: Red-tailed Hawk
Carlo Parravano: Long-billed Dowitchers
Bill Gracey 31 Million Views: Spiraling Colorful Shell With Back Lighting
virtualphotographers: First beercans of the season
virtualphotographers: Bear Chases Dog From Water
jean-francoislavallée: Bruant à couronne blanche/White-crowned sparrow
Prith_B: Osprey with Catfish
jmiskierka: Yellow-headed Blackbird?
www.lirongertsman.com: Magnificent Frigatebird chasing an Elegant Tern
Los Toros: Piping Plover 4
Insidiator: Yellow-rumped warbler (profile)
rwkphotos: Prothonotary Warbler
grobinette: Prothonotary Warbler
Redtail10025: Palm Warbler
Jerry's Wild Life: Fort De Soto Park Black and white Warbler 04-14-2017
grobinette: Yellow-Throated Warbler
grobinette: Yellow Warbler
Jay KoolPix: Prothonotary Warbler
yapaphotos: D97A8131