photos_martha: Barn Owl
photos_martha: Barn Owl close up
photos_martha: IMG_7072 blur3
photos_martha: same bird as previous. Nice that he turned around?
photos_martha: I'm going with a red-tailed hawk. But if someone said red-shouldered, well, maybe.
photos_martha: Common Yellowthroat
photos_martha: Yellowthroat?
photos_martha: Palm Warbler
photos_martha: Cape May? I'm looking at the eye stripe.
photos_martha: another "confusing fall warbler". lbj
photos_martha: Palm or Yellow or Cape May?
photos_martha: Photo on 2012-08-14 at 22.07 #3
photos_martha: Crashed into a window
photos_martha: Crashed into window
photos_martha: No rabbits in my back yard
photos_martha: Holy Name Cathedral
photos_martha: Holy Name Cathedral
photos_martha: Snow Goose
photos_martha: Snow goose and Canada goose
photos_martha: IMG_0523
photos_martha: Hepatica acutiloba
photos_martha: success
photos_martha: some fish
photos_martha: Spring!
photos_martha: Spring!
photos_martha: Tio treo
photos_martha: Tio Trio copy.jpg
photos_martha: Reggie Robinson
photos_martha: White on White
photos_martha: I love Masonite, part 2