Teolc Eniger: Mont Fuji
Kathy Macpherson Baca: I'm a Lubber
Harold Davis: Let's Boogie
Digital Lady Syd: On Nightime Patrol
TAC.Photography: Swirling pond at Laughing Whitefish Falls, Michigan
x-raymond: Upper Falls
evelyng23: temporary housing.
susies.genii: PINK ON BLACK, I
susies.genii: OUR VERY OWN
flower photo fanatic: DelphimiumFloretLongwood
flower photo fanatic: Paphiopedilum Rosy Dawn
John's Photo Philosophy: Merry Christmas
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: DSC4692 Fulmar..
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: DSC5370 Great spotted Woodpecker..
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: DSC1683 Red Throated Diver..
flower photo fanatic: BirdOfParadise_forPhyllis
marielouisebalaresque: l'envers de la feuille
G. Lefebvre: La coque blanche
Kathy Macpherson Baca: Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: DSC7225 Gannets...
evelyng23: yummm..
susies.genii: REUNITED, I (REVISITED)
susies.genii: BACK TO BACK
susies.genii: PRINCE OF THE POND
susies.genii: VALENTINE, TRUE LOVE