thor_mark : Faded Photography (Black & White, Theodore Roosevelt National Park)
Sammyboy77: Jaseur d'Amérique / Cedar waxwing
andredekesel: Longhorn
andredekesel: Eutolmus rufibarbis - Roodbaardroofvlieg (2)
Patricia Ware: Magical
Sandhill Pictures: Pine Siskin 20210514-_GKA0430
hvhe1: Wrapped in red
flicks pix1946: Holly Blue........
Clint Everett: A starry night in the Badlands.
A z d r u b a l: À Dijon.
Chris Denny/dennyc69: Lion of the Sea
Alistair-harris: DSCF4949
picturesbyJOE: St Mary's Church
Alexandre Légaré: Bruant chanteur // Song Sparrow
JEO126: Chipping sparrow
Patricia Ware: Just Passing Through
JEO126: Tufted titmouse
Suzanne Houle: Tarin des pins - Pine Siskin - Spinus pinus
Rene Wieland: Wild world
NickWakeling: Skylark
JEO126: Wood duck drake
rmikulec: Northern Shrike
JEO126: Wood duck drake
Rene Wieland: Up there
JEO126: Northern shoveler shoveling
JEO126: Dunlin
NickWakeling: Yellowhammer
Mandenno photography: Mountain lion - Pakawipark
Alexandre Légaré: Geai bleu // Blue Jay