BeNowMeHere: Spirit
Mr B Eyes open: #Sunset As I walk I reflect as I reflect I select what’s best for me. In my presence there’s only one thing, which is now & the beauty all around. Yesterday is no more & I’m not walking on tomorrow’s floor. This moment is all I choose to be in consciously
Mr B Eyes open: Last day last shot similar to a lot. It’s beauty simply is, this stunning place I had the pleasure to grace. Although not the best weather to get the image I so dearly wished to capture. I’m very thankful to see & feel this amazing space. I’ll be back!
Maarten Baars: The Curly and the White
martinritter1: Lindauer Moor 241117-1sw
Mr B Eyes open: Health, a note to self. A balance between physical health & mental health is essential for the potential, to have the best chance of levelling the trauma from my former life, before a sat & accepted the truth that just material wealth isn’t good health
Mr B Eyes open: #Sunrise If you find yourself feeling pain, observe the pain, stay with it. Do not try to pull down the veil & escape from life by denying what is happening. You will progress, knowing that is your protection
pauleß: "very top"
Taz !: Where perfume derived its other name
Manzurur Rahman Khan: Rain or Shine
blavandmaster: Enjoy the Silence
#rallebuzz: Liberté
martinritter1: Caro 040715-169sw
BetterPanic: Tom Petty
Omygodtom: Onley One is Real.
**** Eve ****: Rendez vous ... Appointment
**** Eve ****: Reflets dans le port de Saint Tropez / Reflections in the port of Saint Tropez
olivierurban: Genève - route du Pont-Butin - designed by Johnson & Ritchie
olivierurban: Lac d'Annecy - Menthon Saint-Bernard - ponton et débarcadère
olivierurban: Annecy - dans la courbe du canal
olivierurban: Genève - confédération centre - l'élégance, même dans les escaliers roulants...
olivierurban: Gap - deux chevaux noirs ... dans le noir...
olivierurban: Genève - phare de la jetée des Eaux-Vives
olivierurban: Gap - rue Carnot, parapluies multicolores suspendus
olivierurban: Les remparts de Sisteron, avec une échauguette servant de guérite
olivierurban: Genève - confédération centre - Vertige de l'escalator
olivierurban: Genève - Le barrage du Seujet
olivierurban: Annecy-centre - une échauguette qui sert de toilettes publiques!...
olivierurban: Montpellier - oeuvre de Ricardo Bofill, architecte catalan
olivierurban: Genève - parking de l'Etoile de nuit