opdc (in&out): the eye of the photographer
BlueBee~Karen: floating phlox
Ming - chun ( very busy ): in Taiwan Taichung . 台灣台中 . Night shot 心之芳庭夜拍 -- 台中太平 DSC_7323
Ming - chun ( very busy ): Taichung park 台中公園 IR印象 DSC_8292
Makro Man: Bumble Bee... with parasites
Miffles: Heart of Downtown San Francisco
Lina Hughes: have you dinner ?
Dawn Huczek: octopus' garden
Ming - chun ( very busy ): 心之芳庭夜拍 -- 台中太平 DSC_7334
The girl with a leaf: Sommaräng (Meadow in Summer)
lacha2008.: Amarillas
Miffles: On the Cable Car
Molly258: Summer leaves
Lina Hughes: Sunday Arfo
lidddia: Ghost of the nature explorer in the mountain hostel.
Wils 888: \ / \ | salvaged |/ |/
Miffles: Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco Fog
Melann2: Macy's July 4th Fireworks-from my rooftop
anemon :): Hide-and-seek Beyond the Clouds (exp.#4)
{LadyB*: fàlamagiatuttoquelchevuoitu! {explore}
Wils 888: 4th of July fireworks